School Entry Requirements and Forms

Please click here for the 2024-2025 school year immunization requirements for elementary, middle and high school entry. Please be aware that your child will not be allowed to attend school if the school entry requirements are not met. 

Click here for information on immunization requirements for college.


State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record Form (AKA the "Blue Form")

State of Connecticut Early Childhood Health Assessment Record Form - for children age birth to 5

Meriden - Health History Form

Meriden - Historial de Salud

Meriden - Authorization for Medication Administration by the School Nurse

Meriden - Food Allergy Disclosure                                    Divulgación de alegias alimenticias del estudiante

Meriden - Asthma Form                   Estudiantes cón asma

Immunization exemptions are permitted under certain circumstances.  According to state law a child can be exempted from receiving a vaccine for medical conditions which are contraindicated.  If this circumstance is true for your child please click here for additional information. Here is the link to the medical exemption form: Medical Exemption Immunization Form.

HUSKY Health Insurance Information