Lead Free Meriden

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The Meriden Water Division (MWD), in conjunction with Arcadis, has launched a project to identify water service line material across the city as part of requirements of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revisions regulations. Water service lines are the pipes that connect each home to the MWD water distribution system. MWD has created an initial inventory of lead service lines based on construction records, but those records are incomplete.

In the coming months, utility crews will be conducting field inspections to collect more information for the inventory. Inspections will involve either observation where the service line enters your home (usually the basement) or digging a test pit near the water cut-off valve in in front of your home - usually found near the curb or edge of street.

Self-Identification Pipe Inspection Survey

Pipe Survey

As an alternative to the field inspection, residents are invited to conduct their own self-identification inspection by completing this online inspection survey


Other Important links:

Water provided by MWD is lead-free when it leaves our treatment plant, but its quality may change as the water flows through the water service lines and in-home plumbing. In addition to fulfilling federal requirements, this project will improve MWD’s documentation of all system components, make more information available to the public, and proactively inform customers of MWD’s infrastructure planning.

For More Information

Contact Us:
Lead Free Meriden Hotline: 203-630-6354
Email: leadfree@meridenct.gov

Visit the US EPA website on lead
Visit the Connecticut DPH Lead and Copper Rule website